1. Once in India
an Aalim had passed away and it was observed that for one month sweet fragrance
used to arise from his bed and from his entire house. People enquired about
this mystery. His son-in-law said that the Aalim used to recite Durood Shareef
every Friday night in his house. The fragrance was as a result of the
recitation to the Durood Shareef.
2. In another incident, a calligrapher died. His family members saw him,
who was a great sinner, after his death in their dream sitting in Heaven with
full pomp and dignity. On enquiry, he said that he gained all these benefits
because he used to write Durood whenever the name of the Holy Prophet (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) used to appear.
3. Shaikh Zardaq (radi Allahu anhu) says that when the writer of the book
of Durood Shareef died, for one month the fragrance of flowers used to arise
from his grave.
4. It is reported in "Rahhatul Quloob" that once there was a
Sultan who became very ill. Six months passed by without any cure in sight. A
few people went to the Sultan and told him that Hazrat Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli
(radi Allahu anhu) had arrived in the city. The Sultan requested the great
Saint to visit and and to make Du'a for his health. Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli
(radi Allahu anhu) visited the Sultan on his request for he knew that the
Sultan was very generous to his subjects and that he was also a very pious
person. When Sheikh Abu Bakr Shibli (radi Allahu anhu) sat next to the bed of
the Sultan, he assured the Sultan that he would recover very soon. Sheikh Abu
Bakr Shibli (radi Allahu anhu) then recited a few Durood Shareefs and passed
his hands along the body of the Sultan. A few minutes later, the Sultan awoke
as if from a dream. He felt as if he had never been sick.
5. In Egypt,
there lived a pious man whose name was Abu Said Khayyat. He used to remain
isolated from the rest of the world. After some years, people saw him sitting
in the company of a great person, Hazrat Ibni Rashiq (radi Allahu anhu). The
people of the town were astonished and enquired about his presence. He
disclosed that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) told him in a
dream to associate himself with the meetings of Hazrat Ibni Rashiq since in
quite a large number of Durood Shareef was recited in his meetings.
6. One day a person from among the Bani Isra'il passed away. The people
refused to bury him. They threw his body on a rubbish heap. They all considered
him to be a great sinner.
At that moment, Hazrat Musa (alaihis salaam) received the Revelation from
Allah Ta'ala, "O Musa! One of my chosen slaves has passed away. The Bani
Isra'il have thrown his body on a rubbish heap. Command your people to retrieve
the body. Bath him and give him a proper burial".
What Hazrat Nabi Musa (alaihis salaam) saw that person, he immediately
recognised him. Obeying the Commands of Almighty Allah, Nabi Musa (alaihis
salaam) then proceeded to give the person a proper bath and burial. Upon
completion of this task, he asked Allah Ta'ala the reason for such an unusual
command. Allah Ta'ala said: "O Musa! You are correct when you say that
this person was a sinner. According to My Divine Command he was entitled to
punishment. However, one day, while he was reading the Taurah, he came across the
name of My beloved Habeeb Muhammad. He then kissed the name and sent
salutations upon My Habeeb. It is due to this action of his, O Musa, that I
have blessed him with Jannah".
7. Hazrat Sufyan bin Aienna (radi Allahu anhu) says that Hazrat Khalaf
(radi Allahu anhu) had a friend who was a student of Islamic Law. One day, all
of a sudden, he died and Hazrat Khalaf (radi Allahu anhu) saw him in his dream
on the same night. It was seen that this student of Islamic Law was sitting on
the throne of honour, pomp and dignity, clad in beautiful golden clothes.
Hazrat Khalaf (radi Allahu anhu) inquired about this exclusive and
extraordinary honour. The student said that this was all because of his loud
recitation of Durood Shareef at the time when the Prophet's (Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallim) name was mentioned during the tuition of his Islamic Law
studies. Allah Ta'ala counted the Durood Shareef as well as the sins. Every
Durood Shareef that was recited loudly was millions of times bigger and heavier
than all the sins. So the Salawat (Durood) won all this.
8. Hazrat Abi Sulaiman (radi Allahu anhu) says that he saw his father, who
was a great sinner, in a dream after his death. Much to his great surprise, his
father was in an excellent position in Heaven. When Hazrat Abi Sulaiman (radi
Allahu anhu) inquired about that great reward, his father told him that it was
all due to the recitations of Durood Shareef over the name of Sayyiduna
Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) at a time when the name was written
in the books.
9. Hazrat Kaab Ahbar (radi Allahu anhu), a great scholar of the Taurat
says: "Allah revealed to Hazrat Musa (alaihis salaam) saying, 'O Musa, if
on this earth there were no such people to glorify and praise Me, I shall not
cause one drop of water todescend from the Heavens, and I shall not cause one
seed to grow ...' and he mentioned several other things and then said, 'O Musa,
do you desire to be nearer to Me than speech is to your tongue, or thought is
to your heart, or nearer than your soul to your body, or nearer than your
eyesight to your eyes?' Musa (alaihis salaam) replied: 'Yes, indeed, O Allah!'.
Allah Ta'ala said: 'Then recite much Salawat on the Rasool Muhammad (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallim)'."
10. It is written in "Nuzhat-ul-Majalis" that a man fell sick and
was about to die. He was shivering and fearing the tortures of the grave and
the tortures of the Day of Judgement. All of a sudden, a pious man caught hold
of his hand and told him that he should be perfectly at ease as the Durood
Shareef which he had recited in abundance during his life time is certainly to
come to his rescue. The man, thereafter, died very peacefully.
11. Once, a passenger bus travelling from Mir Purkhas to Hyderabad,
Pakistan, collided with a truck loaded with heavy machinery tools. About 120
passengers were travelling in that bus and all but one of the passengers was
badly injured. That one man was reciting Durood Shareef on the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) at the time of the collision. When the
journalist and the members of the police team later interviewed this man, he
disclosed that he was constantly reciting Durood on Sayyiduna Rasoolullah
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) and Allah Ta'ala saved him. A similar incident
took place in a bus travelling from Karachi to Hyderabad.
12. Abu Hafs Samarqandi (radi Allahu anhu) writes in his book,
"Rownaqul Majaalis": In Balkh
there lived a merchant of great wealth and substance. When he passed away, his
two sons divided his estate among themselves equally. Among the inheritance
there were three hairs of Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim). Each one
took one. The elder brother suggested that they cut the third one in half, each
then taking one piece. This suggestion filled the younger brother with distress
and he exclaimed, "That shall never be done. The blessed hair of
Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) shall not be cut". The elder
then suggested, "Will you be satisfied that these three hairs come to you
as your portion of inheritance, while I take the rest of the estate?" The
younger brother agreed to this with great pleasure and satisfaction. The elder
brother then acquired all that the father had left behind. The younger brother
had the three hairs. He kept those hairs on his person at all times. Very often
he took them out, looked at them and recited Salaat upon the Nabi (Sallal Laahu
Alaihi Wasallim).
Not long thereafter, the elder brother had squandered and exhausted all his
wealth, while the younger one became very wealthy. After some time the younger
one died, someone from among the saintly ones saw a dream wherein Rasoolullah
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) appeared to him and said, "If there be
anyone with any kind of need, let him proceed to the grave of this person, sit
down there and beg of Allah his need". (Qawlu Badee)
The same story is told in "Nuzhatul Majaalis", but with a slight
addition. The story there says that when the elder brother became a pauper and
saw Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) in a dream. He complained to
Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) of great poverty. Rasoolullah
(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) told him: "O unfortunate one, you turned
away from my hair and your brother accepted them and whenever he looked at
them, he recited Salawat on me. For this reason, Allah had made him most
fortunate, both in this world and in the Hereafter". When the elder
brother awoke, he went forth and became one of the servants of his younger
13. In "Nazhatul Majaalis", it is narrated that Hazrat Abu
Haa'mid Qazwaini (radi Allahu anhu) said: A man and his son were on a journey.
On the way, the father died and his face was transformed to that of a swine.
The son, seeing this, cried bitterly and prayed to Allah. Soon the son fell
asleep and saw a man telling him, "Your father used to consume interest
(usury) and it is for this reason you see his face thus. But rejoice for
Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) interceded on his behalf because
whenever he heard his holy name he recited Salaat on him. Through the intercession
of the Rasool (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim), he has been made to return tohis
original form".
14. Once while Hazrat Fareeduddin Data Ganj-e-Shakr (radi Allahu anhu) was
explaining the excellence of Durood Shareef, a few Faqirs came to him. They
told him that they were travelling to perform the Hajj and that they had no
money for food and for the journey. The great Saint then offered them a few
seeds of eaten dates upon which he recited the Durood Shareef. When the Faqirs
looked at the date seeds, they were surprised to see that it changed into
pieces of gold.
15. It is reported in "Al-Qolul Badi" that a lady once approached
Hazrat Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) and asked him whether it was
possible to see her deceased daughter in a dream or not. The great saint
ordered her to go home. Before sleeping, she was asked to read four Rakaah of
Salaah and in each Rakaah, after Sura Fatiha, she was to recite Sura Kaafirun
once. She was told to continue reading the Durood Shareef after the Salaah till
she fell off to sleep.
When she did all this, that night, she saw her daughter in her dream. She
was shocked to see her daughter in terrible pain and anguish. She also saw that
her daughter was locked by chains of fire and was completely surrounded by
She told Hazrat Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu) about her dream and he
advised her to give some Alms. After a few days, Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi
Allahu anhu) himself dreamt of a young girl sitting on a throne and wearing a
gold crown. When she asked the great Saint whether he recognised her or not, he
replied that he did not. She then said: "I am the daughter of that woman
who had related to you her dream". Sheikh Hassan Basri (radi Allahu anhu)
then told her that according to her mother, she was in the pit of Hell and
asked her how she reached that position.
The girl replied: "O Friend of Allah! About 70 000 others and myself
were being punished by Almighty Allah by His Justice. But one day, a lover of
Nabi Muhammad (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallim) was walking by. As he passed by
our graves, he recited the Durood Shareef and then conveyed the Sawaab of the
Durood Shareef to us. Almighty Allah accepted the Durood Shareef. As a result
of this, all of us who were in punishment were saved and granted Jannah".
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